This Is Getting Ridiculous!
Hi everyone, is still attracting a fair number of confused folks who think they’ve landed on the CVS pharmacy corporate site. This all started when we launched some new Google AdWords campaigns. Apparently, the folks viewing the ads on the Google AdWords Content Network aren’t terribly aware of what they’re clicking. Here are some recent sample inquiries:
<span style="width: 500px">*** *** *** I have a CVS <span class="hl">Blood</span> <span class="hl">Pressure</span> Monitor and it keeps showing Full before the reading </span>
<span style="width: 500px">appears. How do I get rid of that word?. *** *** ***</span>
Umm, reboot the monitor?
*** *** *** I picked up a perscription [sic] at ny [sic] CVS store today and on the bottom of
the receipt there is a message:
" Your Extracare Accounr [sic] Information is incomplete. Please visit " Well, here I am........What does the mesage [sic] mean ?????? *** *** ***
I love this – “Well, here I am…” and the actual web site URL is included. If you really were “here”, I wouldn’t have received this message!
Ok, I guess the ads need to be configured with some negative keywords. Interestingly, the negative keywords “pharmacy” and “extracare” were already in the campaign, but I just added some more like “pharmacy” and “drugs”. Next step – turn off the ad delivery on the content network.